Mood swings - Wellness Hormone Clinic

What are mood swings?

Mood swings are sudden, unexpected shifts in emotion that can go from feeling positive and upbeat one moment to feeling extremely sad, irritable, or anxious the next. They tend to be more intense than the minor fluctuations in mood that most people experience day-to-day.

Some key things to know about mood swings:

I would recommend anyone experiencing extreme, unexplained, or distressing mood swings to consult with a doctor or mental health professional like those at Wellness Hormone Clinic. Their compassionate providers can help diagnose any underlying issues and craft a personalized treatment plan involving lifestyle changes, therapy approaches like CBT or DBT, and if appropriate, hormone balancing or prescription medications. Getting an accurate diagnosis and following professional advice is crucial for getting mood instability under control and improving one’s sense of well-being.

In summary, mood swings involve dramatic short-term shifts in emotion that can vary in intensity. While some swings may be normal, extreme or long-lasting ones may require professional support. Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits and working with providers like Wellness Hormone Clinic can help manage mood swings stemming from conditions like hormonal changes, stress, or mental health disorders. Getting needed support allows one to regain more consistent mood stability.

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